Oh hello, I’m Penny Layne!
I saw this door mat that perfectly describes my life, it said ‘There’s like, a lot of kids in here.’ Truer words have never been spoken about me and what I do. My studio specializes in newborn and child portraiture, and when I am not photographing all of my adorable little clients, I am at home snuggling all of my own littles. We have seven (yes, you read that right, SEVEN) kiddos at home. . We have 2 boys and 5 girls ranging in age from 20 years to 10 months. They keep me young at heart but also give me all of my grey hairs at the same time. To say I have a bit of experience in the parenting arena would be an understatement, I can swaddle a newborn just as well as the nurses at the hospital, I can sing Baby Shark in tune WITH all of the required hand motions, I can soothe a crying baby by just rocking them, I can make a stubborn child laugh with my funny animal sounds…..I love what I do and I love being a mom, I am so blessed to be able to capture these memories for my clients as well.

Photo by Erin Dunway Photography